How to master the cause of the failure of the vane pump!(1)


Due to the characteristics of uniform flow, stable operation, low noise and high volume ratio, vane pumps are widely used in various industries. However, they will encounter various situations during use. , so what should I do? Today, the editor sorted it out for everyone.

In the process of hydraulic pump maintenance, the reasons for the failure of the vane pump are generally reflected in the following aspects:

1. Loud noise

2. Pressure oscillation

3. System pressure drop

4. No pressure

5. System oil temperature is too high

vane pump

Lecture 1: Loud noise

The common reasons for the excessive noise of the vane pump are as follows. When we repair the excessive noise of the hydraulic pump, follow the steps below to carry out the maintenance work, which can effectively reduce the noise problem.

1. The oil suction port or filter is partially blocked

Solution: remove the dirt and keep the oil suction line unblocked

2. The connection of the oil suction port is not tightly sealed, and air enters

Solution: Strengthen the seal and tighten the connectors

3. The oil suction port is too high and the liquid level of the fuel tank is low

Solution: reduce the height of the oil suction port and refuel the fuel tank

4. The pump and the coupling are not in the same axis or loose

Solution: Reinstall to make it concentric and fasten the connectors

5. The connecting screw is loose

Solution: Tighten properly

6. The viscosity of the hydraulic oil is too high, and the flow capacity of the filter at the oil suction port is small

Solution: replace the hydraulic oil with proper viscosity, and replace the filter with larger flow capacity

Lecture 2: Pressure swings

Pressure oscillation means that when the vane pump is working, the system pressure is unstable. As long as the oil pump has no abnormal noise, it should be the problem of the total pressure valve (relief valve). Check whether the spool of the total pressure valve is worn. Whether the damping is blocked by foreign matter; if the pressure swings due to the wear of the pump core parts, there will be abnormal noise when the oil pump is working.

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